Tea Time

There is no doubt in my mind that I am a coffee girl. I’m not really human until I have a cup of coffee in the morning. While I enjoy a cup of tea now and then, it’s never been my go-to hot drink. After discovering there is more than black tea and green tea, however, I’m becoming quite obsessed with tea.

At my local farmers market there is a stand that sells all different types of tea with all different ingredients. Their flavors vary from organic apple cider tea to organic dandelion tea. Two weeks ago I picked up their ayuderic total body loose tea and a cup in the afternoon has become part of my everyday routine. The tea is full of ingredients that provide great health benefits:      


  1. Roobios (a natural form of caffeine)  helps prevent types of cancer and relieves stomach pains.
  2. Hibiscus which lowers blood pressure. 
  3. Spearmint to aid the digestive system and increase your metabolism.
  4. And many more! 

The flavor is great and a cup warms me up on a chilly fall afternoon. I still love my coffee but I can’t help but love how great this tea is for my body! 



Workout Review: Feisty 50

Wanting to incorporate more strength training into my fitness routine I turned to Pinterest for some “fitspiration.” There, I stumbled upon a great blog full of all different kinds of workouts- a whole section of which you can do at home! Jess at http://blondeponytail.com/ shares various workouts that all have one thing in common- they make you sweat! I’ve tried a couple of her workouts and loved them all but “Fesity 50” stuck out to me as it worked your entire body in about 30 minutes. I especially enjoy her workouts because she demonstrates all the different moves making it easy to follow along. You can also adjust the workout to fit your level of fitness. If you are just beginning you can start with 20 reps rather than the 50. I highly recommend checking out Blondeponytail.com to get workout ideas, nutrition information and some motivation! Let me know what you think of the workouts!

Be aware

With the color pink plastering everything from NFL players’ gloves to designer hand bags, it is clear that it’s officially October, breast cancer awareness month. While we might be aware of the disease, we need to be aware of the signs and prevention methods. Breast cancer is a disease that affects too many women every year so knowing how to protect yourself is really what this month is all about. 

  1. Exercise! Exercising regularly helps reduce fat cells which lowers your risk of cancer.
  2. Self-examine! Don’t wait for your doctors appointment. You know your body best. Check occasionally for any lumps.
  3. Eat right! Choose foods high in antioxidants and nutrients. (Some studies suggest that dark chocolate can help prevent the disease as well. As if I needed another reason to indulge in chocolate.) You should also try to limit your alcohol intake.
  4. Learn and share knowledge! October should not be the only time we talk about breast cancer. Educate others to protect them and help prevent the disease.