World Cup Season

One of my favorite sporting events has officially begun! The World Cup happens every four years and creates excitement and rivalries all over the world. Having played soccer growing up, I have a appreciation for the athleticism and skill shown during the tournament. And it definitely acts as a motivator to get moving.

The average soccer player burns anywhere from 500-800 calories in one hour of a game. But studies show that fans gain an average of five pounds during the tournament from unhealthy snacking. Switching to healthier snack alternatives can help. Swap the potato chips for carrots and other veggies to get important vitamins and nutrients while watching your figure. Try hummus instead of french onion dips. Little changes can help make your snacking more healthy and even fuel you up for some soccer of you own.

Playing soccer for fun is great and can also shake up a workout. Grab a partner and head to a local park or your backyard after the game where you can run around and pass the ball around. Running up and down the field while passing the ball is a great form of exercise as it forces you to run in intervals which is more effective than just running. And when you get to the goal you can practice your shot! 

You can even organize a pick up game with friends! The tournament has been great so far. Who are you rooting for?